(видео) Battle for the Black Sea. Russia vs. Ukraine: Geopolitics, Grain, and Naval Drones

The Battle for the Black Sea has been raging between Russia and Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. Due to its importance as a trade route, what happens there, essentially affects the entire world food market. To protect its territory, its waters, but also to ensure global food security, Ukraine has developed a fleet of naval drones that have levelled the playing field with Russia. Watch Talking Tactics, to find out more!

*Настоящата публикация (видео) е споделена с разрешение на инициативата на президента на Украйна UNITED24 и има за цел да подкрепи усилията на украйнсикя народ за свобода и независимост. Повече за платформата, както и за различните възможности за подкрепа на Украйна може да намерите на: https://u24.gov.ua/ и https://u24.media/

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